
10 reasons to choose an antique engagement ring

10 reasons to choose an antique engagement ring

Today we’re going to be talking about a subject very near and dear to my heart: antique engagement rings. I promise you many pretty pictures.1. The fact that they’re one in a million.One of my favorite things about my own antique engagement ring is the knowledge that nobody else in...

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What to do when a ring is stuck on your finger

What to do when a ring is stuck on your finger

First things first: don’t panic. If a ring is stuck on your finger and you start yanking on it, all you’re going to do is irritate your finger and make things worse. Try wiggling and twisting the ring instead. Pull firmly, but don’t force it. Relax your hand, rather than holding it rigid. If...

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What Makes Customers Buy Jewelry from Specific Designers

What Makes Customers Buy Jewelry from Specific Designers

1 — Great photos: lots of people responded with this and it was actually quite surprising. People want to see jewelry photographed well.  All angles. On a hand, neck, wrist or ear. If there’s one aspect you’d like to improve upon for your jewelry business this year — upgrade your photog...

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